The Everyday Impact of Sleep Apnea

by Charlee
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Imagine waking up in the morning feeling like you are hit by a truck, even after a full night’s sleep. It is a serious health issue called ‘Sleep Apnea’.

It is a pesky condition that turns your peaceful night sleep into snoring filled with gasping and choking. It is not just annoying but a serious health issue that can mess your entire life.

You are constantly tired, your brain feels like mush, and you are so irritable that you snap at everyone. The mood swings are either a raging bull or a cry baby.

Here is the twist: Sometimes the culprit behind your sleep apnea can be your teeth and jaw. Top Nova Orthodontics has been helping people to enhance jaw alignment and restructure their upper airway. It reduces the frequency of breathing pauses and gives you a better night’s sleep.

Of course, this is not a magic cure, so first discuss this with the  Orthodontist in Sterling, VA. But it is a potential avenue to explore, if you are struggling with sleep apnea.

  • To rectify structural issues in the thorat and mouth mandibular advancement devices are employed to reposition lower jaw and enhance airway patency during sleep.
  • CPAP [Continuous positive airway pressure machines are tailored to fit your specific anatomical needs to reduce the possibility of airway collapse when they sleep at night.

Orthodontic care has provided significant relief from sleep apnea symptoms for many individuals. Their sleep quality has enhanced, which in turn amended their daytime functioning.

The broader implications of sleep apnea

Sleep apnea steals your focus, memory, and productivity. You nod off at work forgetting important stuff, and make silly mistakes. It’s like trying to drive a car in fog.

You can lose your job or a good deal. It even takes a toll on your relationship. Who wants to cuddle with a snoring, exhausted partner?

The repercussion of untreated sleep apnea extends beyond daily fatigue and mood disorders.

It turns chronic and leads to:

  • Hypertension
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Diabetes
  • Weight gain

The condition can create a vicious cycle of health complications. Recognize these possible risks and understand the importance of timely and effective treatment to mitigate long-term health effects.

What to do?

So, braces can actually help, but they are a part of the puzzle. Losing weight, sleeping on your side, and using a CPAP machine are other things that can help. If you sleep apnea is really bad, you may need surgery.

The best thing to do is consult your doctor. They can find out how bad you condition is and what is the suitable treatment plan that works for you.


Extreme tiredness is the tip of an iceberg. Look at the domino effect… feel like a zombie all day, nod off at work, struggle to concentrate or even snap at a fly.

You may nearly miss while driving or encounter a clumsy kitchen mishap. Sleep apnea can seriously put a damper on your life, so don’t overlook it or suffer in silence. Get treated and reclaim your sleep and life quality!

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