Skin infections are a common condition affecting a lot of people nowadays. One of the most common types of fungal infection is the Ringworm. Ringworm, which is caused by a group of fungi called dermatophytes, can affect various parts of our body like arms, feet, scalp and nails, private parts etc. It is easily identified by its red ring-shaped rash that causes severe itching.
While Ringworm is not caused by or treated by any deficiency, certain foods can aggravate the condition, and some foods can be included in our diet to build up immunity and fight off diseases.
We will be discussing those foods in this article.
What Foods Should You Avoid For Ringworm?
Following are some foods to avoid for ringworm, which when consume while suffering from ringworm can aggravate the condition:
1. Sugary foods
Sugar is the biggest enemy of our skin. The bacteria and fungi on our skin feed on the sugar in our blood, creating an ideal environment for them to flourish. Sugar also weakens our immune system. So please stay away from those yummy-looking cakes and candies.
2. Refined Foods
Another equally damaging thing that we eat is processed or refined foods. They are high in unhealthy fats. Avoid White bread, Chips, Fast food, and Fried foods
3. Alcohol
It is no secret that alcohol dehydrates our skin. It also weakens our immune system and helps the bacteria and fungi to grow. So stay away from booze, Wine or any other spirited drinks.
4. Dairy products
While this is not for all, for some people dairy can aggravate the growth of bacteria in our body. So limit your intake of milk, cheese, butter, fresh cream etc.
Foods To Include In Diet For Ringworm\
Following are some foods to eat for ringworm infection which when consumed during suffering from ringworm can help re-build the immunity and help fight off the infection faster:
1. Fruits and Green leafy Vegetables
It is no surprise that a healthy diet is the secret of healthy skin. Green leafy vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants and they helps to reduce inflammation in the body. Include lots of berries, oranges, spinach, bell pepper, etc in your diet.
2. Ginger and Garlic
Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties and Garlic has antifungal properties. Including both ginger and garlic can be extremely beneficial for treatment of ringworm as it can help our body fight off the bacteria.
3. Vitamin C-rich foods
Vitamin C promotes collagen production. It also helps our body by boosting our immunity. It helps fight off free radicals, thereby preventing any damage to skin. Include fruits like oranges, guava, strawberries, blueberries, lemon, kiwi, etc., and vegetables like tomatoes, bell peppers, and broccoli in your diet.
4. Probiotics
Probiotic foods are full of gut-healthy bacteria which also helps in improving our immunity. It also improves our digestion. Choose foods like unsweetened yogurt, Â buttermilk, Kefir, Kombucha, Sauerkraut, and also fermented and pickled veggies, etc.
To conclude, even though Ringworm is caused by a lack of hygiene and through direct contact with the infected, these are some dietary recommendations that can help us fight the disease.
Our Skin is the reflection of what we eat. So, drink lots of water and stay hydrated to help our immune system fight off any disease.
Consult a dermatologist for a detailed ringworm treatment plan.